Create Campaigns That Connect With Your Community

Craft beautifully designed emails that will engage your members and deliver results.

i4a Email Campaigns

Create. Communicate. Connect.

i4a Email Campaigns

CREATE newsletters, event invitations, automated responses, or any campaign you wish using our intuitive, easy-to-use Campaign Wizard.

  • Choose from our library of stock templates for pre-built emails you can customize with your own logos, images, and messaging text.
  • Build original templates unique to you and your brand using our easy drag-and-drop builder.
  • Conveniently integrate all of your social media links into the footer of your emails.

COMMUNICATE tailor-made messaging that speaks to the right members at the right time with targeted audience filters, making email segmentation a breeze.

  • Choose all your contacts, define specific groups, or dial-down directly to specific member criteria using our prebuilt recipient filters.
  • Design your own recipient filter to customize and target your communications to any member group's specific needs.
i4a Email Campaigns
i4a Email Campaigns

CONNECT with your audience by understanding your audience. Our campaign stats reporting empowers you to drive better engagement by providing value-packed, click-worthy content.

  • Analyze each email campaign performance to better understand how your audience is engaging through real-time delivery / open statistics and click-through rates.
  • Compare multiple email campaigns for a deeper dive in knowing your audience trends, allowing you to schedule delivery times for optimal engagement.

And because our email platform is fully integrated with your always-up-to-date member database, there's no exporting or importing of data, meaning your campaign criteria are always based only on real-time information.

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i4a Membership Software

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